About Us
The Western New York Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO includes 5 Central Labor Councils (CLCs): Buffalo/Erie County; Cattaraugus/Allegany Dunkirk; Jamestown; Niagara/Orleans. Our mission is to improve the lives of and increase the power for working families, bring fairness and dignity to the workplace and secure social equity.
We are working to build a strong, diverse, free and democratic labor movement in order to give a political voice to workers in our area.
We fight for a public policy agenda at all levels of government which benefits all working families, both union and non-union.
We are active in our community and strive to create a broad progressive coalition for social and economic justice.
Peter De Jesus Jr. President 1199SEIU | Denise Szymura Vice President CSEA | Joe Cantafio Secretary NYSUT | Valerie Thomas Treasurer USW |
Central Labor Council Presidents
Denise Abbott, CWA Buffalo CLC | Karen Butinski, USW Cattaraugus/Allegany CLC | Don Williams Jr., CSEA Dunkirk CLC |
Gary Swain, IUOE Jamestown CLC | James Briggs, USW Niagara/Orleans CLC |
Charmaine Bowman | Louisa Pacheco | Earkiel Eaton |
General Vice Presidents
James Lakeman UAW | Gary Swain IUOE | Thomas Halligan Ironworkers |
Thomas O'Shei USW | Roger Hemmitt UFCW | Donna Walters NYSUT |
Debora Hayes CWA | Jeffrey Richardson ATU | Michael Gaiser IBEW |
Grace Bogdanove 1199SEIU | Robert Vitello Workers United | David Grosskopf NALC |
Lonnie Everett UAW | Richard Morris BCTGM | Cori Gambini CWA |
Kevin Drysdale IBT | Robert Mahoney SEIU | Mark Manna UFCW |
Tom Tucker IATSE |
Peter De Jesús Jr
Angela Blue
Lillian Kahris

Lillian Kahris
Project Director (Worker Empowerment Center)
Austin Morgan